Monday, May 26, 2008

Day One: Feeling Zen On Bananas....

Back on the blog and the bananas!

Well, I can't help myself. Thanks to my friend Carrie's influence (thanks carrie!:), and my continual desires to find a way to "raise the bar" of my health, I am committing myself to yet again another experiment. This one is based on Dr. Douglas Grahams 80/10/10 theories. Rather than going into great detail about what this is exactly, I will refer you to his website which has it all laid out nicely.

Essentially, I am going to be on a low-fat raw food diet for the next number of days (not committing to any specific amount of time, but shooting for at least a month) as opposed to what I have been doing for almost a year now, a high fat raw food diet. I am curious to see if my stubborn food cravings for cooked foods dissipate or go away completely; if I will drop a few of the pounds that I have gained back from Juice Feasting (ideally about 6 to 8 pounds); and if the candida that keeps showing itself in my colonics also goes away. Of course there are a number of other benefits I hope to reap while on this diet: improved hair and skin, more energy, less gas, better elimination, less emotional yo-yoing, and the list goes on and on.....

Basically this diet is ALL about fruit and greens. Sound ironic considering my goals? Yes. BUT, does that make me totally happy? YES!! The idea of killing yeast by forgoing all my beloved fruits and raw sweets sounded like death to me (especially since summer is here), but according to Dr. D, it is not the sugar that is causing the issue it is the FAT. When we eat a lot of fats with sugars (i.e., nuts with dates), the sugar gets bogged down by the fats in the blood and can not exit the body quickly. Therefore it gets trapped in us for much longer than it should and that is when we get candida, cravings, fogginess, lethargy, etc., etc..

Today I had:
16oz water with lemon, probiotics and aloe vera
24oz green juice with apple (yippy!) and lemon
32 oz blueberry, cherry, apple juice (used as a base), banana, spirulina smoothie
6-8 very ripe bananas (lost count)
1 amazing mango
Nori rolls filled with fresh spinach, spicy sauerkraut, sprouts, tomatoes and a mango/tomato/smoked dulse dressing (no oil or avocado)
1 lg salad with more of the same
10 dates

Exercise: 25 mins rebounding, walking 30 mins

Body brushing, sunbathing

Lots of grazing action today..happens when you are sunbathing on the beach! Everything felt pretty good, although some gassiness post dates. Having a colonic tomorrow, which I think will help move some of the old fermenting junk out.

Considering that fruits are highly cleansing little buggers, I am anticipating having a few transition symptoms initially, so I will have to be patient! :)

Let's see what happens my friends!

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