Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Belly Talk

...Can you tell which picture is before and which is after? Still working on a front shot. Maybe tomorrow?
Sleep: 11: 30pm-7:00am
Hot Tea: 16oz Peppermint
Skin brushing/tongue scraping Hot/cold contrasting shower
Juice: 32ounces "Summer Rain" -- watermelon, kiwi, lime
Juice: 64 ounces "Green Lemonade" -- romaine, celery, kale, cucumber, ginger, lime, zeolite
Juice: 32 ounces "Pretty in Pink" --tangelo, blood orange, pink grapefruit with liquid C, Vitamin D3 and MSM
Colonic: Really intense session today. Not much was coming out for the longest time yet I felt like I had to poop SOOO badly- it was almost torturous, and then bam, cellular gasses moved and the cecum poured for what seemed like hours. Thank goodness!! But I was pretty wiped afterwards so instead of walking uptown I took the bus.
Walk: 3 miles --Still got some movement in today! ;)
Feast Breaker: 8 ounces soaked prunes, with prune water--YUM! ;)

So I finally did it kids, I went for the prunes, and how! My goodness I had no idea it would be so hard! It wasn't that I minded the taste of the prunes or the texture of them being soggy and mushy, but I was SO full after about three and I had about 14 more to go! I just couldn't do it in one stretch. But after an hour break I was able to get the second half down. I have to say that full, overstuffed, bloated feeling brought me back to how I used to always feel after eating a meal. So that was not so nice, but I understand the point of why we are asked to eat so many. Basically the prunes are a natural laxative that stimulate the peristaltic wave of the colon, or in other words make you poop. Well, I ate all these prunes under the impression it would take about 3-6 hours to see any bowel response, well, let me tell you, I was on the toilet in less than 20 mins, had to keep getting back on till 1am! And this is AFTER having an amazing colonic. I tell you kids, you're never empty till you're six feet under and then some! haha

So chewing and swallowing actually was not as foreign as I thought it would be. I guess because the prunes were so soft and basically fell apart in my mouth on their own, there was really little resistance against my teeth. However, I was highly aware of the tougher bits and took my time masticating them to a mushy pulp. One of the habits I am trying to break and become more conscious of is chewing, breathing and savoring each bite. In the past, I would shovel food in so quick, it would go down half chewed and I would catch myself holding my breath when eating. At the end of the meal, I would feel like I missed the entire experience, not even really tasting what I had eaten and feeling unfulfilled even though I was full. Consequently I would eat more till my taste buds were satisfied and my belly was stuffed and I felt sick. Yuck, what a terrible cycle.

I have to say I felt a lot better yesterday eating that small amount of vibrant green energy soup, than I did today over stuffing myself with prunes. This is a good thing, because in the past I was not satisfied till I was overstuffed. So that seems to have shifted! :)

I think tomorrow I am going to try one round of prunes instead of two (which is suggested), and one glass of energy soup in the afternoon. The sugars in the prunes also made it hard for me to sleep, even though my mind crashed hard from the sugar rush.

Well, so far I can't say that transitioning back to solids has been very nice, but I know that this is part of the process and I certainly don't want to rush into the denser foods too fast. It's funny how transitioning for me is harder than just juicing. I definitely feel more comfortable with the extremes. So this slow processes of bringing food back in and savoring the moment is a good exercise for me.

Prune on!


Patti-licious said...

Wow!! I can't believe it! I can tell the difference. I always thought you were thin to begin with so I didn't think I would notice much. That's awesome!! Awww I wish I was smart and did a before shot. Although, It doesn't look as though it's going to be so drastic for me at this rate. You are making me crave prunes and energy soup. LOL Prune on girl!! Thanks for cheering me on!

Carrie Cegelis said...

hey kyle!
congrats on a fabulous feast....
prunes are hard, no? even when they're soft....it's a challenging transition, different than you expect. good luck with all the coming changes - hope to see you around soon, vira or otherwise!
xx carrie

Ben Kaelan said...

Oh man! I feel so bad I missed the previous post because I definitely wanted to congratulate you on that special day!

I think it's amazing that the universe has brought 'energy soup' into your life at this pivotal moment in your life...as you break your feast.

The before and after pictures are great! :) I'm so happy to have juiced alongside you :)

Juicy hugs!

- Ben