Monday, June 9, 2008

Being cool when it gets hot!

It has been 90 plus degrees here in NYC for the last few days with over 100 percent humidity. Typically this would really bother me as the heat tends to make me lethargic, aggravated and edgy. But since going mostly raw last summer, I have noticed a shift in my body chemistry that makes me less sensitive to extreme temperatures, especially the heat. From an Ayurvedic point of view (an ancient science from India), raw foods are very cooling for the body, which makes them most appropriate to eat in the summer.

This summer, I am taking that to a whole new level but eating predominately fruit. I can't tell you how great it has felt to lay off the heavy fats and get juicy and hydrated with the fruits. Normally I would be dodging from place to place looking for AC, avoiding going outside and exercise, finding shade whenever possible. But these last few days, I have continued on as normal (except for sweating like mad) with my normal routine of running, walking and working from the house without the AC on, even when sleeping!!

Here are a few tips I have found useful to keep cool, functional and happy this summer when the heat is on:

  1. Eat light during the day focusing on very juicy fruits (sweet and non-sweet) such as watermelon, honey dew, cantaloupe, cucumber, tomatoes, red bell pepper, kiwi, mangoes, papaya, etc.

  2. Add cooling herbs to your fruits and veggies such as, cilantro and mint.

  3. When you start to over heat dip your feet and your head in cool water. These are the two places we loose most of our heat from.

  4. Drink lots of water with lemon or lime, cucumber or mint.

  5. Exercise in the early mornings and early evenings.

  6. Do cooling breathing exercises in the evening before going to bed or to avoid blowing up at someone! Take deep sips of breath through your month. Pretend you are actually breathing through a straw with your lips puckered, then breath out through your nose.

  7. Get all the natural sodium you need through either juicing, blending or chomping on celery.

  8. Carry a small spray bottle of rose water with you. Mist your face and neck when you start to feel like you are wilting. Not only will you feel refreshed but you will smell good too!

  9. Avoid the A/C. It's addictive and hinders your body from being able to regulate its body proper body temperature.

Does anyone else have anything to add to this list?

Today I had:

Breakfast: 20 oz of Cucumber, fennel, lemon and apple. Many slices of watermelon

Lunch: Many slices of watermelon

Snack: Honey dew melon and watermelon

Dinner: 24 oz of cucumber, cilantro, lemon and apple. Mango Gazpacho, small green salad and banana-cocoa nib-mint ice cream. Now that will cool you off! ;)


45 min run by the water so there was a nice breeze

60 min walk to work and a 60 min walk from work

After dinner stroll....feeling very full, ugh -- too much ice cream!

Lots of sun and sweating!

Weight loss since starting 811rv (with a few off days): 3 pounds


Sandy said...

That is so true! I used to huff and puff whenever how weather rolled around..and sweat profusely! Now I just make fun of those people (JKJK!) I feel so much lighter and I don't mind it as much. I guess raw SHOULD be cooling since we all originated from the Tropics :)

Sarah said...

Nice one! I find most of the time I just want to sit and wallow in the warmness. :) I can't stand the cold anymore.