Saturday, March 29, 2008

Juice Feast: Day 28&29

...posing with our dear Swedish friends when we were in Stockholm a year they are here visiting us!
Sleep: 11: 00pm-6:30am
Hot Tea: 16oz Peppermint
Skin brushing/tongue scraping Hot/cold contrasting shower
Juice: 64ounces "The Killer Pineapple"-- Pineapple, EXTRA ginger, EXTRA cayenne pepper! This is a nice variation to apple. I also diluted it with water so because it sure is sweet!
Juice: 64 ounces "Green Lemonade" -- romaine, celery, kale, cucumber, ginger, lime, zeolite
Juice: 32 ounces "Pretty in Pink" --tangelo, blood orange, pink grapefruit with liquid C, Vitamin D3 and MSM
Walking: 2 miles
Colonic: Still lots of cellular gases, but equally as much cecum action going on. Whoohoo!
Art Therapy: Some great friends of ours from Stockholm are in town so we hit the Chelsea gallery's and saw some fantastic art and ran into other old friends. Even in a huge city like NYC, it's not uncommon to bump into someone you know. I love it.

Sorry for lumping yesterday and today together. With our friends in town, I have been going out more than I normally do and with today being a working day for me I didn't want to sacrifice beauty sleep for blogging -- how vain is that! haha

Note that I am just listing today's juices, because yesterdays were just about the same.

Of course, now that the JF is ending for me I feel fantastic and like I could really do the entire 92! As appealing as that sounds right now, I know Michael is excited for me to share meals with him again, and I am really itchy and excited to make time and space for other projects. So I am going for the prunes starting Monday morning. It blows my mind that a month has already passed! Feels like just yesterday I was writing my first entry: "twas the night before juice feasting.." sighhhhh

I am going to save my before and after photos and comments for tomorrows post, but I am thinking about making this 30 day JF an annual event. It just seems like such a good way to "end the year" and start the new fresh, alive and enthused about life, food, projects, relationships.

The vibrancy one receives from being mineralized from cell to cell transcends all aspects of life.

In the process of replacing my old habit ridden cells with the new juicy ones, so much has had to surface. For example, when firery emotions like anger and frustration towards my family and friends comes up, I have had the ability to turn the focus back on me and ask myself: Why am I feeling this way? Am I frustrated with them or myself? Am I just projecting? Are these feelings assumptions or reality? Most of the time when turning the questions back on me I was able to see more clearly that I truly am just projecting my own inner conflicts out onto them. It is so easy to blame others for my s%#t! I can't change other people's minds, nor is it my responsibility or place to do that, but I certainly can shift and transform mine.

So that is what I have been doing. By finding more compassion for myself I have been able to heal my relationships with family and friends without actually engaging them in the process. SO empowering!! I wonder if they feel it? humm....;)

I can't begin to describe the joy and gratitude I feel towards life and everyone in it right now. I feel like I have tapped into my inner SuperJuicyWoman powers! haha


Patti-licious said...

Whoohooo!! ONE DAY LEFT!!! I can't believe how the time has flown!! You are a rockstar!

David and Katrina Rainoshek said...

Hello SuperJuicyWoman!

Enjoy those prunes tomorrow! We love your post of today, thank you for your honesty and sharing over the course of your Juice Feast! It will be a gift to many we are sure!

With blessings,

Katrina and David